Job Openings

Current position.Home Job Openings
  • Senior Hotel Designer

    Shanghai factory, Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Design Department

    Work Address: Shanghai factory, Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Design Department

    Job Description:

    1. Participate in the preliminary planning and conceptual design of the project, and provide professional opinions and suggestions from the perspective of interior design;
    2. Participate in the preparation of the design task book, and be responsible for reviewing and reviewing the design results of each stage of the commissioned design according to the company's requirements and project positioning;
    3. Fully understand the project engineering status, Party A's requirements, time progress of each stage, and work content to ensure that the project is effectively executed according to the plan;
    4. Participate in the handover of drawings and technology for the project, and promptly solve relevant issues raised by Party A regarding drawings or technology;
    5. Assist the project company in solving technical difficulties encountered during the construction process or problems that do not comply with design requirements;
    6. Assist in handling the relationship with Party A and maintain a good external cooperation environment;
    7. Other tasks arranged by the company.

    Tenure Requirements:

    8. Bachelor's degree or above; 

    9. At least 5 years of work experience is required; 

    Please send your resume to:

  • Scenic Area Planning Designer

    Shanghai factory、Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Design Department

    Work Address: Shanghai factory、Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Design Department

    Job Description:

    1、 能熟练使用word、excel、ppt软件以及CAD、PS等制图软件。 

    2、 具有良好的沟通能力,普通话标准。 

    3、 能出图,能根据甲方的“地形图”做建筑物的规划设计,做酒店帐篷规格,能出差,看场地,做ppt汇报方案。

    4、 本科及以上学历; 

    5、 工作经验要求3年以上; 

    6、 城市规划专业或园林景观设计专业; 

    7、 具有城市规划、旅游规划、旅游策划项目经验者优先考虑; 

    8、 具有良好的逻辑能力及团队协调能力,能够吃苦耐劳。


    Tenure Requirements:

  • project manager

    Shanghai factory、Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Process Department

    Work Address: Shanghai factory、Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Process Department

    Job Description:

    Tenure Requirements:

  • Soft Decoration Designer

    Shanghai factory

    Department:Automatic Control Department

    Work Address: Shanghai factory

    Department:Automatic Control Department

    Job Description:

    Tenure Requirements:

  • Key Account Manager

    Shanghai factory

    Department:Automatic Control Department

    Work Address: Shanghai factory

    Department:Automatic Control Department

    Job Description:

    Tenure Requirements:

  • estimate clerk

    Shanghai factory、Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Validation Department

    Work Address: Shanghai factory、Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Validation Department

    Job Description:

    Tenure Requirements:

  • Renderings designer

    Shanghai factory、Zhejiang Huzhou factory


    Work Address: Shanghai factory、Zhejiang Huzhou factory


    Job Description:

    Tenure Requirements:

  • Self media Operations Manager

    Shanghai factory、Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Quality Department

    Work Address: Shanghai factory、Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Quality Department

    Job Description:

    Tenure Requirements:

  • Copywriting planning

    hejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Production Department

    Work Address: hejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Production Department

    Job Description:

    Tenure Requirements:

  • Account Manager

    Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Production Department

    Work Address: Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Production Department

    Job Description:

    Tenure Requirements:

  • Regional Manager

    Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Production Department

    Work Address: Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:Production Department

    Job Description:

    Tenure Requirements:

  • sales manager

    Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:EHS Management Department

    Work Address: Zhejiang Huzhou factory

    Department:EHS Management Department

    Job Description:

    Tenure Requirements:

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Hr: Miss Zhang 18918356901